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Guide to Flavoured Dental Dams for Oral Sex

Guide to Flavoured Dental Dams for Oral Sex

Oral sex is fun. It’s intimate. It’s exciting. But let’s face it, it can also be risky.

Dental dams might not look sexy at first glance. But they’re game-changers for safe oral sex.

You’ve probably heard of condoms. Maybe you’ve even used them. But dental dams? They’re like condoms for your mouth. Or rather, for the parts your mouth explores.

Flavored dental dams take things up a notch. Strawberry, mint, vanilla – suddenly, safe sex tastes good too. It’s like a candy wrapper for your naughty bits.

But wait, how do you use these things? Where do you buy them? And do they really work?

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Literally.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about dental dams. No fancy jargon. No awkward diagrams. Just straight talk about keeping things fun and safe down there.

So, if you’re curious about dental dams, stick around. Your taste buds (and your health) will thank you.

What Are Dental Dams?

Let’s cut to the chase. Dental dams are like condoms for your mouth. They’re thin, stretchy sheets that act as a barrier during oral sex. Think of them as a safety net for your tongue.

Dental Dam Meaning and Purpose

Originally, dentists used these for keeping teeth dry during procedures. Hence the name “dental” dam. But someone got clever and realized they’re perfect for safe oral sex too. Their purpose? To keep bodily fluids where they belong – not in your mouth.

Types of Dental Dams: Latex vs. Non-Latex

You’ve got options. Latex dams are the OG. They’re cheap and do the job. But if latex makes you itchy, there are non-latex versions too. These are usually made from polyurethane or nitrile. They’re a bit pricier but hey, no allergic reactions.

Why Use Dental Dams for Oral Sex?

Because safety is sexy, that’s why. Oral sex might seem harmless, but it’s not a free pass from STIs.

STI Prevention with Dental Dams

Here’s the deal: STIs don’t care if it’s oral, vaginal, or anal sex. They’re equal opportunity invaders. Dental dams create a barrier against nasties like herpes, gonorrhea, and HPV. It’s like a forcefield for your mouth.

Are Dental Dams Effective?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: They’re effective if you use them right. No turning them inside out. No reusing. And for Pete’s sake, don’t poke holes in them. Use them correctly, and they’ll do their job.

But let’s be real. They’re not perfect. Some STIs can still sneak through if there’s skin-to-skin contact outside the dam. And if you’re not using them every single time, well, you’re rolling the dice.

How to Use a Dental Dam

Right, let’s get down to business. Using a dental dam isn’t rocket science, but there’s a knack to it.

Step-by-Step Guide for Oral Use

  1. Check the expiry date. Old dams are dodgy dams.
  2. Open the packet carefully. No teeth or scissors – you don’t want to nick it.
  3. Unfold the dam gently. It’s not origami, but be gentle.
  4. Place it over the vulva or anus. Cover the whole area, no cheating.
  5. Hold it in place. Either you or your partner can do this.
  6. Get to work. Have fun, but keep that dam where it should be.
  7. When you’re done, bin it. No flushing, please.

Tips for Maximum Protection and Pleasure

  • Use water-based lube. It makes things slippery in a good way.
  • Don’t flip the dam. One side for one job, that’s the rule.
  • Replace if it tears. No exceptions.
  • Communicate. Talk about what feels good.

Also Read: Non-latex Condoms In UK

Flavoured Dental Dams: Enhancing the Experience

Who said safe sex can’t be tasty? Flavoured dams are here to spice things up.

Popular Flavours and Their Benefits

  • Strawberry: A classic. Sweet and tangy.
  • Vanilla: Subtle and smooth. Good for beginners.
  • Mint: Fresh and cool. A bit of tingle.
  • Banana: For those with a sense of humour.

Benefits? Well, they mask any not-so-pleasant tastes and make the whole experience more enjoyable. Win-win.

Choosing the Right Flavour for You

It’s all about personal preference. Like strawberry ice cream? Try the strawberry lube. Hate bananas? Skip that one. Simple.

Pro tip: Buy a variety pack. It’s like a tasting menu for your bedroom.

Dental Dams for Different Users

Dental dams aren’t just for one type of person. They’re equal opportunity protection.

Dental Dams for Females

Ladies, these are primarily designed with you in mind. They cover the vulva during oral sex, keeping things safe and sexy. Use them for receiving oral, and feel free to experiment with different flavours.

Can Men Use Dental Dams?

Absolutely, lads. Dental dams aren’t just for vulvas. They’re great for anal play too. So if you’re into rimming (that’s anal-oral contact, for the uninitiated), a dental dam is your new best mate.

Remember, everyone deserves to play safe, regardless of gender or sexual preference. So don’t be shy – grab a dam and get to it.

Where to Buy Dental Dams in the UK

Looking for dental dams? Look no further than Condom Hut. We’ve got you covered – literally. At, we stock a range of top-quality dental dams, including flavoured options.

And here’s the best part – we offer discreet delivery. No awkward conversations with your postman. No nosy neighbours wondering what you’ve ordered. Just plain, unmarked packaging delivered right to your door.

Plus, we offer the best prices around. Why pay more when you can get quality protection for less? Check out our selection and order with confidence.

Alternatives to Traditional Dental Dams

Can’t get your hands on a dental dam? Don’t panic. There are other options.

DIY Dental Dam Options

Got a condom? You’ve got a dental dam. Just snip off the tip, cut down one side, and voila! Instant dental dam. No condom? A latex glove works too. Cut off the fingers, slice down one side, and you’re good to go.

Dental Dam Isolation in Dentistry vs. Sexual Health

Fun fact: dental dams were originally for dentists. They use them to keep your mouth dry during procedures. We just got clever and found a new use for them. Same concept, very different application!

Also Read: The History of Condoms

Common Questions About Dental Dams

Let’s tackle some FAQs, shall we?

How Effective Are Dental Dams?

When used correctly, dental dams are pretty darn effective. They create a barrier against STIs during oral sex. But remember, they’re not foolproof. Nothing is 100% except abstinence, and where’s the fun in that?

Can You Reuse a Dental Dam?

Absolutely not. One and done, folks. Reusing a dental dam is like reusing a condom. It’s gross, it’s unsafe, and it defeats the whole purpose. Always use a fresh one each time.

Comparing Dental Dams to Other Barrier Methods

Let’s break down the competition.

Dental Dams vs. Condoms

Condoms are great for penetrative sex. Dental dams are the champs of oral. They’re both latex barriers, but shaped differently for different jobs. It’s like comparing apples and oranges – both fruit, but not interchangeable.

Dental Dams vs. Finger Cots

Finger cots are like tiny condoms for your fingers. They’re great for fingering, but rubbish for oral. Dental dams cover a larger area, making them the better choice for mouth-to-genital action.



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